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Church Office Hours: Mon-Thu 10 am to 5 pm, Friday 10 am to 1 pm.

Church is open during Office hours and on days and time when there is a Divine Liturgy or Service.


For Donations Click on the “DONATE” picture below

Or use QR Code Below

What is the Donation for?

Another aspect of our life in the church is the upkeep and maintenance of our premises. To opt not to do so would amount to negligence and to irreversible damage. Our building is 40 years old and it constantly requires repairs and improvements. We must definitely replace the church windows, which are showing visible signs of wear and tear.

Last year we replaced all the hall windows and we used our renovation funds to this end. We have received various quotes for the installation of new windows, which are in the range of $90,000.00. Since we are all going to benefit by this replacement of our windows, so that they can be rendered more functional and efficient, we are soliciting your contribution in order to defray the cost for their replacement.

It is redundant to remind you that we are all using our premises and it is only fair that we should all feel responsible in contributing for their upkeep.

We appeal to your love for our church and community, to continue supporting them, so that we may be able to meet our operational expenses and ensure the uninterrupted function of our services.

You may also communicate with us by mail at helleniccommunity@bellnet.ca

At the Greek Orthodox Community of West Island, our work is supported by donations from the congregation and community. People just like you! People from all diverse backgrounds, varied financial resources, people from all walks of life.

Your donations help us show that your care for:

  1. The spiritual well-being of your family
  2. The education of your children with the core values of our Orthodox faith
  3. The growth of Orthodoxy and the dissemination of our spiritual values
  4. The conditions to better serve our elderly population, families with infants, and to persons with special needs.
  5. The maintenance of the church building, holidays decoration
  6. The functional operation and provided religious services, mass, sacraments, moral support and spiritual consultation

Type of Donations

  1. With collection trays that are passed during the mass
  2. Pledge Envelops: You will find them in the office at the church entrance. If you wish to receive an income tax receipt,
    1. Please register your name at our office and obtain a number that you will indicate on your donation envelope.
    2. Obtain a box of envelopes from the office. Just make sure that the number on the list is the same as the number on the envelopes which you have taken.
    3. All those who used this method of pledges the previous year, please retain the same number that you had in order to facilitate the Treasurer’s work when he/she will be issuing the income tax receipt.
    4. Use the donation envelopes at anytime you give a donation (of $5 and more), including the collection trays.
    5. Please do not use donation envelopes when buying candles
  3. Donations at anytime at the church secretary’s office or calling the office (514-684-6462). Church office is open Monday to Thursday between 10 am and 5 pm and Friday between 10 am and 1 pm. Request a temporary receipt for any cash donations
  4. Donations on-line using Paypal, Clic on DONATE icon below
  5. Donations by completing a donation form and mailing by regular post
  6. Donations through your employer with Centraide

Donation receipts are provided for all donations of above $20 per year. Donation receipts are provided in January and February for the previous year. The donations receipts can be picked-up at the secretary’s office (if requested), or they will be mailed by regular post.



Click on Picture Donate below.

Follow the  PayPal instructions

Use payment Donation with Credit or Credit Card. No need to create a Paypal account. In your name info identify payment for Donation or Membership or any other fund or purpose

  • Once you have selected your method of payment, under the amount, click the “Add Special Instruction to the Seller” section, and type the fund that you would like your donation to be used for and any notes message.


  • General Community Fund
  • Mortgage Fundraising
  • Church Religious Articles
  • Church  Windows replacement
  • Pythagoras School
  • Youth Group
  • Philoptochos
  • Parishioners Aid
  • In memory of Departed Person