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Church Office Hours: Mon-Thu 10 am to 5 pm, Friday 10 am to 1 pm.

Church is open during Office hours and on days and time when there is a Divine Liturgy or Service.

Bulletin-Pythagoras School


Please Refer to LINK 


The Pythagoras Greek School classes begin on: Saturday Sept 16, 2023.

Registration at 20 Brunswick, DDO (Church Office): Tuesday to Friday 10AM to 1 PM,  or at the school on Sept 09, 2022.
Those who are interested in the adult class program are requested to call 514-684-6462.

Thank you

For the school Pythagoras

Irini Kafiri



Dear Parents and Teachers,

We wish you a good and productive school year, full of new learning experiences.

We are honored that you have entrusted the education of your children to us. The educational services and activities of the Saturday school are offered by the Hellenic Community of the West Island. We are trying to implement an educational program that is tailored to the needs of our children based on the values of our Canadian and Greek heritage. Our educational program is geared to meet the practical needs of children in familiarizing them with the conversational skills necessary for discoursing in Greek. Our program is complemented by several cultural themes through various means, such as songs, Greek films etc. The Pythagoras school aspires to offer a comprehensive pedagogical program that includes elements from our history, mythology, geography, popular culture, dances and basic elements of the Orthodox faith so that the children following the program may be able to build up an identity made of all these elements that define our culture. Our aim is not simply to produce a museum-like reconstruction of the past, but to show the relevance of our practices and beliefs that are coming from the past, but are used in such a way as to show their pertinence for today’s world.

Following the proposal of the Parents’ Committee based on the fact that we did not have any official text books the teachers have produced a text book and a workbook for each class, which will be distributed to the children.

We cannot have a class with fewer than 8 children; in some cases classes may be combined until we reach the necessary number of students to form a class.

The blessing of the school will be done on the 16th of September at 9 a.m. Following the blessing you are kindly requested to attend a Parents meeting with Father Lambros for some indispensable information on our School program.

We cannot stress enough the importance of your participation to ensure the success of the education of your child. The pedagogical principles that we outlined here will produce results only if there is a good cooperation between school and home. We may theoretically talk about Greek Orthodox values and beliefs, but if they are not practiced at home and applied as a way of life, then we are reducing those beliefs to their theoretical level.

More newsletters of this type will follow to inform you on the progress of our programs as a way of keeping in touch with you.

Once again, we thank you for entrusting us the education of your child and we wish you



School Principal: Eirini Kafiri

Protopresb. Lambros Kamperidis, Rector of the Church


Dear Parents,

We welcome you to a new academic year, which we hope to be as exciting and full of intellectual and spiritual discoveries as our previous year.

As you already know, our school operates under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Community. In all our programs we remain faithful to our tradition and heritage. An important part of the children’s education is inspired by these traditions and spiritual values. The Orthodox faith, the observance of major feast days, as well as our intellectual Greek heritage as is manifested through our history forms an important core of our curriculum. It is for this reason that we place a great emphasis on the observance of religious practices. You may have to encourage your child and lead it by your example, to participate in the Divine Liturgies and receive Communion wherever the occasion presents itself.

On major feast days, usually followed by a celebration in the Church hall, you are kindly requested to participate in the Liturgy, usually starting at 9 a.m.

As for the regular schedule of the school:

Classes begin at 9 a.m. and terminate at 12 noon.

You should leave the students at the school at 8:55. After the prayer, the teachers will take them into their classrooms. For the security of the children no one else is allowed to go to the classrooms. If your children arrive late, the parent who is helping in the school on that day will come to take the child to its classroom. If you want to pick up your child before the end of the class, you have to notify his/hers teacher by written note. The teacher will make sure to bring the child at the front door at the time you have requested. You are kindly requested to be at school at least 5 minutes before the termination of classes.

Please make sure that the children do not bring at school food with ingredients that may contain fish, mustard or nuts because some of our pupils suffer from nut related allergies.

Winter is perhaps the reason for the absence of several students from our Saturday school. Please make sure to always encourage our children not to neglect their studies and attendance so they will not lag behind in their progress.

When it is raining or snowing, students have to change their boots with another pair of shoes, i.e. running shoes. It is important for their health, their safety and the cleanliness of the school.

Saturday, ___ December 2022 and __March 2024 the lessons will end at twelve o’ clock noon. All the Parents must be at the school to take their children. Between 12 and noon. you will be able to meet with the teachers to take the report card and to discuss your child’s progress. In order for all parents to have the same opportunity, a time limit of 5 – 10 minutes will have to be observed for these interviews. Please return the bulletins, signed duly, to the teacher of your child so we may prepare them for the grades of next semester.

Every year our Community and our school take part in the Parade of the Greek Community of Montreal for the Independence Day of Greece. The students must be present at the celebration, dressed in blue and white or in ethnic costumes.

The parents are kindly requested to settle their dues by the end of 2018.

Please be advised that according to the lease that we have signed with the School Board there are new clauses that we have to respect.

  • Entrance and exit times must be strictly observed. Additional hours will be invoiced according to the caretaker’s time sheets.
  • Participants should keep classrooms clean and spills wiped up immediately.
  • Premises must be left in a neat and orderly manner
  • Desks and chairs should be left as found.
  • If homework assignments have been left on the blackboards by the high school or vocational centre these must be left as found.
  • All participants must be well supervised at all times.
  • The LBPSB has banned smoking completely on all school grounds