Church Office Hours: Mon-Thu 10 am to 5 pm, Friday 10 am to 1 pm.
Church is open during Office hours and on days and time when there is a Divine Liturgy or Service.
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Orthodox Christians hold the belief that the body of the Christian is sacred, since it is the temple of the Holy Spirit and will be restored at the resurrection.
The Orthodox funeral consists of three services: The vigil, or Trisagion, after death, is usually conducted by a priest at the wake. During the Trisagion prayers are offered for the soul of the deceased.
The people pray to Christ “to give rest with the Saints to the soul of Your servant where there is neither pain, grief, nor sighing but life everlasting.” While the people pray for the soul of the deceased, great respect is paid to the body.
The funeral service is continued at the church, where the body is brought on the day of burial. After the funeral service, the congregation offers its farewell to the deceased.
The Trisagion is repeated at the gravesite.
Various Christian groups, instead of burial, prefer the cremation of the dead, which was customary among many ancient peoples. The Orthodox Church, however, mindful of the fact that the human body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and inspired by the affection toward her departed children refuses to deliberately destroy the body, and has adopted the burial of the dead, as it appears in the Catacombs, and in the graves of the Martyrs and Saints. Cremation, therefore, is contrary to the faith and tradition of our Church and is forbidden to Orthodox Christians
To prepare and make a funeral arrangement please contact our Church office.
The following fees linked to funeral services have been established by the Community and they are intended to keep our Church and Community operational
Fee for a Funeral Service in our church. $400
Hall rental for the traditional offering of coffee and brandy following the Funeral Service: $100
Donation to the Philoptochos Ladies Association for preparing the service and setting up the tables: $200
Do not forget your offering to the chanter and the sexton for their service, which it is not included in their basic remuneration.
Some families prefer Memorial Donations to flowers. Such being the case, special envelopes are made available to the funeral director and at the Church Office or in the Narthex of the church. Acknowledgements to the donors are made by the church and a list of donors will be sent to the family.
Memorial services may be offered in the church on the 9th and 40th days, 6 months, 1st year, and 3rd year after the person has fallen asleep in the Lord.