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Church Office Hours: Mon-Thu 10 am to 5 pm, Friday 10 am to 1 pm.

Church is open during Office hours and on days and time when there is a Divine Liturgy or Service.

Our Goals

We, the members of the Greek Orthodox Community of West Island of Montreal, believe that in order to foster the development of our Greek community, the parish of Saints Constantine and Helen, and of each individual member, we must uphold some fundamental values.

We recognize that our Greek Orthodox Faith is a high priority for all of us, and endeavor explore and practice the spiritual values inherent in our tradition.

According to the tenets of our faith we shall strive to conduct all of our dealings in a manner of mutual respect and support; recognize the importance of the equitable treatment of others, young and old, both inside and outside of our community; and endeavor to empathize with each other in our daily lives, according to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “All things you would that men should do to you, do you also to them” (Mt. 7.12).

We believe that in order to enhance the lives of the members of the Greek Orthodox Community of West Island, all individuals and committees working for the benefit of the common good, must aspire toward the attainment of the goals and values set herein.

Our Community comprises many individuals who have contributed to our history and are passionate about our future and the challenges that we face, in these ever changing times.

We believe that our success is attributed to our relentless pursuit and practice of our Orthodox faith, to our leadership, via our community management and our committee members. As individual committee members, we all have different views on various matters and it is vital for our management to consider differing opinions when making decisions for the advancement of our organization and our community.

With the support and guidance of our dearest priest Rev. Dr. Lambros Kamperidis, the support and commitment of the members of the West Island Greek Community and our unconditional dedication to the Community’s spirit and welfare, we continue to work in order to achieve our common goals.

However, with time, both management styles and methods are constantly evolving, creating a need to adapt to new requirements and standards of professionalism. This is also reflected in the work accomplished by our volunteers. Our Philoptochos and Church Wardens are dedicated to social and religious activities.

We reach a point, therefore, where our executive Council’s decisions are formulated and realized in collaboration with experienced and capable community executive council members, in some cases with experts, securing the success of our endeavors.

Fundamentally, the efficient operation of our Community includes an accountable and professional organizational structure supported by capable employees, who thoroughly understand the magnitude and depth of our religious services and programs, and who are dedicated to achieve the Community’s goals.

Currently, the Executive Council is responsible for making significant decisions that will affect the long term existence and growth of our community and church.

For example, the Building Expansion Project was a need to accommodate the increased demographic composition of the Montreal West Island residents of Greek descent.

For the successful realization of these goals, there is a need for professional support and correct structure, constant monitoring and supervision.

Our Community requires appropriate, responsible and professional management. Only thus, can we protect our Community, contributing to its progress, striving to serve the basic needs of the Montreal West Island residents of Greek descent in general, through the effective programming and building of solid foundations ensuring the achievement of future needs.

It is for this purpose that we invite YOU; all Greek Canadians and supporters of the Greek culture and Orthodox faith, the engine and motivating force of our Community, while your contribution can support the religious and social services, and/or our Greek Pythagoras Orthodox School.

We wish you all a productive and successful healthy and prosperous future, and constructive collaboration, love, respect both with our Executive Council and with one another.